Hosted by the Baltimore Museum of Art

In Broad Daylight

About BMA Stories

Storytelling is essential to human existence. Human beings are social creatures, and a narrative with a discernible beginning, middle, and end — and an appropriate amount of tension woven throughout — makes the knowledge shared within its parts memorable. 

BMA Stories is place for sharing stories about art. In an era when information on virtually anything is merely keystrokes away, telling stories creates space for context, emotion, and impact. We want to draw on this framework when sharing the ideas of artists whose work we are exhibiting, when examining our collection, and when talking about the work we do behind the scenes at the Museum. 

We want you to hear stories from curators and staff about their experiences. And we want to hear stories from you. We want to build this platform into a community where visitor perspectives sit side-by-side with those of the BMA’s curators. We want to hear your ruminations and thoughtful criticisms of our work. We want to hear from our visitors and from artists, makers, creators, and enthusiasts of all types within the Baltimore community. 

And since stories in this digital era can be told in a multitude of ways, we are experimenting with a variety of formats in our own stories. So please draw, write, record, film, or animate your own story. We’ll find a way to share it.

You can read more about our submission guidelines here. To send us any thoughts or feedback, please email We might not be able to respond to you within a day, but we will respond as quickly as we can. 

Home Wherever I Go

Bodies of Water

Infinite Weight