Hosted by the Baltimore Museum of Art

Contribute to BMA Stories

We are looking for a variety of reader contributions on subjects ranging from visitor reflections on the BMA’s collection to creative practitioners sharing how their own work was inspired by something seen or experienced at the BMA or during one of our programs. We’re open and excited to hearing your ideas.

Here are some things to consider as you think about submitting a story.

  • Please submit original content only. We do not want to republish pieces already published elsewhere on the Internet.
  • Write for a general audience. This is a space for anyone and everyone interested in art and creative endeavors, not just those with arts educations.
  • Use a tone and language appropriate for a general audience.
  • Generally, we are looking for pieces between 600-900 words.  

Finally, please keep the following in mind when submitting content to BMA Stories. 

  • All stories are subject to editing.
  • Links, headlines, subheads, and other text-based components may be added to submitted works for context, clarity, and readability.
  • Content may be edited for style, tone, or substance.
  • Art (images of art objects, gallery spaces, or other imagery) will be added at the discretion of BMA staff.
  • Content may or may not be promoted in our newsletters and via our social feeds after publication on BMA Stories.

Reach out to us at if you have questions. 

Home Wherever I Go

Bodies of Water

Infinite Weight