Hosted by the Baltimore Museum of Art

Category: Artist Profiles

  • Imagining Harriet Tubman’s Visionary Being with Nekisha Durrett

    For the current exhibition Histories Collide: Jackie Milad x Fred Wilson x Nekisha Durrett, on view in the John Waters Rotunda and adjacent galleries, Washington, D.C-based artist Nekisha Durrett turned to the legacy of Harriet Tubman for her installation Frontier. Instead of a traditional portrait of Tubman, Durrett has produced an abstract study of Tubman’s […]

    Colleen Kennedy | 12.13.2023
  • Baltimore and World War II’s Impact on Artist Matsumi Kanemitsu

    One of the first Japanese American servicemen detained in the wake of Pearl Harbor drew on personal experience to develop his work outside of formal training Few people are aware that West Coast abstract artist and influential college educator Matsumi Kanemitsu (1922-1992), or Mike as he was known to his friends, spent his formative years […]

    | 09.20.2023
  • Jackie Milad Confronts Museums’ Complicated Histories

    Baltimore-based artist Jackie Milad has created four new works for the exhibition Histories Collide: Jackie Milad x Fred Wilson x Nekisha Durrett, currently on view in the John Waters Rotunda and adjacent galleries. Milad’s works reconcile and collage together the histories of ancient Egyptians and ancient Americans, her family history, and contemporary culture—from pop culture […]

    Colleen Kennedy | 07.28.2023
  • Elissa Blount Moorhead and Bradford Young In Conversation with Arthur Jafa, Part 1

    How do life, breath, joy, and pain manifest in black experience from cradle to grave? How are health and wellness nurtured? Elissa Blount Moorhead and Bradford Young’s Back and Song considers the labor and care provided by generations of black healers, including their historic contributions to and resistance of Western medicine’s flawed and discriminatory structures. […]

    Staff | 02.28.2020
  • In Conversation with Mickalene Thomas

    The artist discusses her hopes for how Baltimore receives her work and what it feels like to go first You can hear in Mickalene Thomas’ voice her affection for Baltimore and enthusiasm for this moment in BMA history when she speaks by phone from her Brooklyn studio about her immersive two-story installation now on view […]

    Jessica Novak | 12.19.2019

Home Wherever I Go

Bodies of Water

Infinite Weight